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[db:作者] 2024-08-02试卷答案





16.What will the man probably do next year?A.Run a race.A.B.Work as a volunteer.C.Join the law office.


However, cats seem to get more attention online. There are even some new slang terms to refer to them. Cats are described as “masters”(“喵主子”)online, while the dog owners are “servants who clean their masters’ feces”(“铲屎官”). Even those who don’t have pet cats are doing something called “cloud cat petting”(“云吸猫”), which refers to viewing pictures and videos of cats online.
An article in The Guardian pointed out that dog owners usually go outside to play with their pets or their neighbors’ dogs. But since cats are mainly indoor animals, they are more likely to stay at home. The internet has become a virtual(虚拟的)“cat park” for cat owners.
But it doesn’t really matter if you prefer cats or dogs. Having a connection with any animal can make us feel good.
66. What are cats like in cat people’s eyes
67. What could we know from the 2018 White Paper on China’s Pet Industry
68. How do people do something called “cloud cat petting”
69. According to The Guardian, what might be the difference between dogs and cats


How long did it     (take) you to get there yesterday?
15.(1分)Many years ago, there    (be) no tall buildings.
My sister always     (watch) TV after dinner.
My mom went shopping and     (buy) me a book.

