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[db:作者] 2024-08-14试卷答案





阅读下面短文,在空白处填人1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Diabolos (空竹) used to be a pleasing game for the Chinese nobility, 56 (date) backabout l, 000 years. During the Ming Dynasty ( 1368{1644}),, it gradually passed down toordinary people But it was n’t until the Qing Dynasty ((1644-1911)57playing with andselling diabolos at temple fairs during the Spring Festival became 5 firm tradition.ll inDiabolos come in a variety of sizes from the length of a finger nail to the 59(wide)of a car tire and in shapes such as dreg ons balls, and flowers. The diabolo 60(add) toacrobat i 杂技) perform mances off ally in China as ar back as 1950. As the diabolos are sp(旋转) , they make a unique whistling sound, which is said 6of spring. Traditional dis bolos are hand made, and the complicated process 62 (go)61(symbolize) the awakeningthrough about 17 procedures. 63 (initial) , diabolos were made of bamboo, but now theycome in a variety of materials such as plastic, wood, and rubber.There are now about 1.000 ways of playing with one of the 64you create difficult tricks with them, but in circuses they are also combined(device) . Not only canbineddancing, while the performers ride bikes, roller skate or take part in many other activities atd 65 clegantthe same time.


20. What has the government done to make Harbin a dream holiday city
a. It has just built Zhongyang Street.b. It has invited lots of skiing lovers.
c. It has improved its public services.d. It has planned different activities
A. a&bB. c&dC. b&cD. d&a
21. What may be the structure of the passage
The Starlink system, is a main product of an American companycalled Space X. The company plans to send about 42,000 satellite


9. 【答案】

