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[db:作者] 2024-08-16试卷答案




21.What does the new curriculum focus on?A.Being grateful. B.Being energetic.C.Physical health. D.Interpersonal relationship.


(1) E
(2) C
(3) D
(4) B
(5) A
(1) 根据下文答语“I'm 13 years old.(我 13 岁。)”可知,问句询问的是年龄。句意:你多大,Chen Jie?


D. A fundraising run for children in Europe.
On May 3, a Long March-5 rocket took off from Hainan. It was carrying the Chang’e-6 spacecraft (航天器). After about 37 minutes, the spacecraft separated from the rocket and began its 53-day journey.
The Chang’e-6 spacecraft has a special job. It’s going to collect rocks and soil from the far side of the moon and bring them back to Earth. “No other country has done this before,” said Wu Weiren, chief designer of China’s moon exploration program. The moon rotates (旋转) at the same speed as it moves around Earth. As a result, we always see the “near side” of the moon from Earth. “We still know very little about the moon’s far side. If we make it, we’ll give scientists new, first-hand information about the moon.”
The Chang’e-6 spacecraft has a robotic arm. After it lands on the moon, the arm will start working. It will collect rocks and soil from the moon’s surface (表面) and put them in a special
box. The spacecraft will then bring them back to Earth. How much will Chang’e-6 be able to collect Scientists don’t know for sure. Their goal is about two kilograms.
The spacecraft will land in an impact crater (撞击坑) called the SPA Basin. It is 2,500 kilometers wide. That’s about the distance between Beijing and Hainan. The SPA Basin has a history of over four billion years. It is the oldest and largest impact crater on the moon. Scientists believe that studying it may give us some of the earliest information about the moon.

