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[db:作者] 2024-08-16试卷答案





35.What is the author’s suggestion about the education system?A. Rest rc ting the application of A I.B. Developing critical thinking to a greater extent.C. Increasing relevant courses to make A I better serve people.


and encouragement.
This sort of communication is responsible for the smallest and largest 44 between its popularity in England didn’t occur until the 1660s. The concept of afternoon tea 56 (appear)
people in life. The festival is 45 on communities coming together to listen. Not to hear, but during the mid-19th century. Anna, the seventh Duchess of Bedford, introduced its concept in 1840.
to 46 listen. I think of the lonely people of the world, the misunderstood, the uncelebrated. The Duchess got hungry around four o’clock in the afternoon, and the evening’s meal wasn’t ready
Listening to their stories opens up doors and relationship possibilities that are far more peaceful in until 8 pm, 57 meant there was a long time between lunch and dinner. Because no one wants
nature than 47 or even ignoring. 58 (wait) that long to eat, the Duchess asked for a tray of tea, bread and cake during the late
The most powerful part of the 48 was not the fact that I spoke or that the most brilliant afternoon. It became a habit of hers, 59 thus she began inviting friends to join her in her room


67 Opera House meters tall. The 68 hall of the building is the concert hall.
It is in the 69 of China. The Chinese began to build it about 70
China The Great Wall
2,000 years ago. The wall we see today was mainly built in Ming Dynasty.
八、书面表达(20 分)
风景。这些旅行都会给我们留下深刻的回忆。请以“My Trip to ________”为题,描述自己在暑假的一次旅

