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[db:作者] 2024-08-16试卷答案




6. Where does the conversation most probably take place?A. In a shop. B. In a hotel. C. In the man's house.


解析:①前文“Micro habits are simple practices that you can usually do in a few minutes.(微习惯是你通常可以在几分钟内完成的简单练习)”表明微习惯是简单练习,后文“Making positive micro habits and keeping them regularly can be an effective way to improve your life.(养成积极的小习惯并定期保持它们是改善你生活的有效方法)”表明微习惯的好处,D选项“但这并不意味着他们的影响力更小”中they指代前文中的micro habits,表明微习惯虽然微小,但是有一定的影响力,承上启下。故选D项。
②本段讲述其中一个微习惯是“读一个励志故事”,后文“Look up stories of people helping people or stories of hope and write down what lessons you can learn from them.(查找人们帮助别人的故事或充满希望的故事,并写下你能从中学到的教训)”具体说明了哪些故事,G选项“阅读别人的成功故事可以给你动力”表明阅读励志故事的好处,与此处语境相符。故选G项。
③前文“You can set that timer for whatever amount of time you have-fifteen minutes, thirty minutes, sixty minutes — and develop the habit of working consistently during that period.(你可以把计时器设定在你有多少时间—15分钟、30分钟、60分钟—并养成在这段时间内坚持工作的习惯)”并结合本段小标题可知,本段讲述了要设置一个效率计时器,应该讲到要充分利用这段时间,高效率做好自己的事情,不要盲目地赶时间,A选项“记住,这不是一场比赛”符合语境。故选A项。
④本段小标题讲述要设置一个休息计时器,前文“Set that timer and commit to giving yourself a break.(设置计时器,让自己休息一下)”可知,本段与设置休息计时器有关,推断此段是为了让自己休息并且远离工作,C选项“利用这段时间远离你的工作”与前文语境一致相符。故选C项。
⑤根据上文"Take two minutes out of your day to text a friend and tell them how much you care about them. List out how they have had a positive effect on your life. You'll be surprised how much this micro habit will bring a smile to their face, and your own. (每天抽出两分钟的时间给朋友发条短信,告诉他们你有多在乎他们。列出他们对你生活的积极影响。你会惊讶地发现,这个微习惯会让他们的脸上露出笑容,也会让你自己感到快乐。)"可知,微习惯的积极影响可以传播给他人。E项"Nothing creates happiness faster than spreading it. (没有什么比传播快乐更能创造快乐了。)"切题。故选E。
解析:①由下文“It won the Premier League in 2016, to the utter disbelief of many soccer fans. Leicester City, previously regarded as the underdog of the League, displayed extremely impressive teamwork, which led to its unbelievable victory in soccer history. (它在2016 年赢得了英超冠军,令许多足球迷难以置信。莱斯特城,以前被认为是联赛的失败者,表现出了令人印象深刻的团队合作,这导致了它在足球史上令人难以置信的胜利)”可知,下文以莱斯特城令人印象深刻的团队合作为例,该空应提及莱斯特城,才能引出下文,A选项“以莱斯特城为例”切合语境。故选A项。


The number of people dying in natural disasters is lower today than it was in the past. 36 However, if you can keep your head and find the right place to stay when the ground starts shaking, you might be able to survive.
37 The biggest danger is falling pieces. Since earthquakes happen suddenly without warning, you have to think quickly to stay safe. If you are indoors during an earthquake, remember: “drop, cover and hold on.”
Drop: When you feel the ground shaking or something crashing, get down on your hands and knees. 38 Quickly crawl(缓慢行进) under a strong desk or table nearby. Don’t try to run downstairs or walk to a safer place because you might fall. If you are in bed, stay there and cover your head with a pillow until the shaking stops.
Cover: Use one hand to cover your neck and head. 39 If not, move towards a wall inside the building, not the outside walls with windows. Stay on your hands and knees, keeping your hand over your neck for protection.
Hold on: Hold onto your desk or table with one hand while keeping the other over your neck and head. Be ready to move with the desk or table. 40
However, if you are outside, driving or at the beach, trying to find something to hide under may not be an option.
A. This keeps you from falling over.

