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[db:作者] 2024-08-17试卷答案




20. What is the latest attraction at the Sea Life Centre?A. An open-air swimming pool.B. A big glass passage.C. An hourly feeding time.


—Score: 3.825
—Average rating: 4.17/5, based on 277,734 ratings
This comedic play by Oscar Wilde takes a satirical(讽刺的) look at Victorian social values while following two men—Jack Worthing and Algernon Moncrieff—as they tell lies to being some excitement to their lives. The Importance of Being Earnest was Wilde’s final play, and some consider it his masterpiece.
A Raisin in the Sun
—Author: Lorrain e Hansberry
—Score: 3.550
—Average rating: 3.76/5, based on 59,314 rating


bet of his grandpa meant. Meanwhile Mario had discovered the true meaning of friendship.
Paragraph 2:
After the show, Mario told the three best friends about the bet and took them to see his
grandfather. Mario thanked his grandfather,while his grandfather smiled and said, "You see, Mario,
sometimes it takes a little test to find out who your true friends are. Remember this lesson and
cherish those who are truly there for you." Mario nodded, vowing to always value his real friends
and be a better friend himself. From that day on, Mario stopped showing off about the number of

