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[db:作者] 2024-08-19试卷答案




22. What do Zuni Hotel and Zuni Townhouse have in common?A. They have the same number of rooms.B.They provide drinks for free.C.They lie in the center of Kilkenny.D.They offer coffee to customers.


I had little time with my parents. What we talk most is my grades. And many of my classmates feels really far
from their parents. As a result, I hope parents can spend more time with their children. At the same time, as
students, we should share our school life with our parents.
56.Which season was Where Are We Going, Dad shown in the passage
A.The fourth. B.The fifth. C.The fifteenth. D.The fourteenth.
57.Of all the six children in the show, the writer likes __________best.
A.Max B.Jasper C.En Heng D.Neinei


36.G。空格前说“Everyone is faced with problems at some point or the other.(每个人都会在某个时间点遇到问题。)”,空格后说“The problems, however, become different when past strategies do not work and there is no obvious solution.(然而,当过去的策略不起作用、没有明显的解决方案时,问题就会变得不同。)”,而G选项“Many problems can be solved by using methods we might have used before.(许多问题可以用我们以前可能用过的方法来解决。)”说明了人们会用过去的一些方法去解决问题,承上启下,符合语境,故选G。
37.C。空处位于段末应承接上文。空格前说“They continue thinking everything will disappear on its own, so they fail to seek timely help. This does not help the situation in any way.(他们继续认为一切都会自行消失,所以他们没有及时寻求帮助。这对形势没有任何帮助。)”,而C选项“Instead, it can make the problem bigger than before.(相反,它会使问题变得比以前更大。)”对这种做法继续进行评论,承接上文,符合语境,故选C。
38.D。空格前说“Keeping a daily journal is the best way to solve deeper problems that may be affecting your peace of mind.(每天写日记是解决可能影响你内心平静的深层次问题的最好方法。)”,空格后说“Sometimes,just by writing down issues, you might get to see that a problem isn’t as big as you are thinking.(有时候,仅仅通过写下问题,你可能会发现问题并不像你想得那么大。)”,因此空格处也应讲“写”方面的事情,D选项“So write down all the problems you are facing right now.(所以写下你现在面临的所有问题。)”讲的是写下问题,和空格前后内容相呼应,承上启下,符合语境,故选D。
39.A。空格处是本段的主题句,由空格后的“Often, to solve a problem, you need to test your limits. You may have to take on certain challenges including learning something new to improve yourself.(通常,为了解决一个问题,你需要测试你的极限。你可能需要接受一些挑战,包括学习一些新的东西来提高自己。)”可知,本段主要讲的是要挑战自己,A选项“Challenge yourself.(挑战自己。)”概括本段内容,可作为主题句,故选A。
40.E。本段主题句是“Seek help.(寻求帮助。)”,空格后说“If you are still unable to solve the issue despite giving it much thought and attention, seek help from friends, colleagues, family or even professionals.(如果你花了很多心思和精力还是无法解决问题,那就向朋友、同事、家人甚至专业人士寻求帮助。)”,因此空格处应说有的问题是靠自己解决不了的,E选项“Sometimes, certain problems can’t be solved on your own.(有时候,有些问题不能靠你自己解决。)”说明了有的问题不能自己解决,和空格前后内容相互呼应,因此E选项开启下文,符合语境,故选E。

