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[db:作者] 2024-08-20试卷答案




6. What did the man do to learn m ell?A.He found a good website.AB.He took a course at collegeC.He turned to his math teach echer for help.


Unit 2 My schoolbag
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( )1.A. B. ( ) 2.A. B.


In Filterworld: How algorithms flattened culture, Kyle Chayka argues convincingly that the rise of algorithm-driven feeds, used everywhere online from Instagram to Spotify, has led to a more uniform culture. Our tastes and desires increasingly don't belong to us, but to algorithms that are designed to keep people engaged at all costs. If the collection of our tastes truly shapes our entire personality, then this loss is more psychologically damaging than it first appears. Aimlessly scrolling(滚屏)through Netflix or TikTok may seem harmless, but over days, months or years, we lose touch with what we like and enjoy.
Taste-making algonithms are inescapable. Chay ka shows this by working through all corners of life: what we wear (TikTok), where we eat (Google Maps), music we listen to (Spotify), even who we date or marry (Tinder). This universe of algorithm-driven decisions has society-wide implications: “It extends to influence our physical spaces, our cities, and the routes we move through… flattening them in tum.” No one gets out of the Filterworld untouched.
If you're lucky enough not to need any sort of algorithm-based system for your work, then you have the option to step back from algorithms for a while. But if your friend suggests a film recommended on Twitter or you feel the need to buy those shoes suddenly everyone has started wearing after social media advertisements, what are you to do It all feels fruitless.
This Filterworld may be inescapable, but there is hope. You can start by engaging more with the media you do choose to consume. This could mean reading up about a film you watched or paying artists you like directly.
Even the thoughtful act of recommending an album to a friend is more rewarding than a random TikTok feed. As Chayka says, resistance to algorithms “requires an act of willpower, a choice to move through the world in a different way”.
32. What is Kyle Chayka's opinion on algorithms
A. They improve our tastes. B. They make our cultures more alike

