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[db:作者] 2024-08-22试卷答案




8.Why is Mike so happy?A.He has won a race.B.He has been praised.C.He has been cheered noisily.


Thе book Human as Media gives us a vivid picture of this explosion of authorship. Humankind had 300 million authors in 5,000 years of written civilization and, all of a sudden, this number has risen to 4.85 billion in the space of 40 years. Such authorship has given us opportunities to express ourselves freely, but it has also led to thoughtless self - expression.
Social media such as Facebook and Twitter are commonly blamed for creating cultural mess. People can express this or that opinion as they like. But what really matters is that social media provide chances for billions who can reach out to others beyond their physical and social limits. This itself has become an important factor to shape society, regardless of the content. In reality, social media are specifically taking advantage of our desire to “struggle for recognition”. We humans need to feel a sense of being together. So is our thirst for response. Social media provide, or at least offer, responses to even the smallest activities of a user such as likes, posts, and comments. I click, therefore I am.
But with this great service comes great risks. Those self-expressions are exposed to some extent unseen before. Unprepared and unhesitating judgments regarding someone’s personal matters or public affairs increase incredibly. Personal becomes public and public becomes personal.
12.Why does the author mention the book Human as Media in Paragraph 2
A.To explain a rule.
B.To provide a proof.
C.To clarify a concept.


his wife Chen Li, a woman from Sichuan. One year after their marriage, the couple created a Belgian chocolate
brand named Choclito.
Under the influence of his wife, Taelman became interested in traditional Chinese culture and came up with
the idea of integrating Chinese elements (融合中国元素) with his chocolate making.
Taelman created chocolates in the shape of Sichuan-style mahjong (麻将 ), pandas, the 12 Chinese zodiac
signs (生肖), mooncakes and so on. “These wonderful and creative products are popular among my customers,”
Taelman said with a smile on his face.

