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[db:作者] 2024-08-23试卷答案




20.What did the speaker mainly talk about?A.A holiday tour.B. Life in the countryside.C. Two old factories.


1) go straight on 直走 12) stand in line 排队
2) ride your bicycle 骑你的自行车 13) be quiet 保持安静
3) turn left 左转 14) stand up 站起来
4) turn right 右转 15) sit down 坐下
5) department store 百货商店 16) be out 出局,落选,落后
6) toy shop 玩具店 17) talk about 讨论
7) get to the school 到达学校 18) be late for 迟到


5.__________No one dislikes such a person. Want to be funnier than others Try to read more books and know a lot more, and then you'll have more interesting things to share with others and make yourself more popular.
A. It's helpful to be funnier than other kids. B. You should make yourself more beautiful. C. Being more outgoing than other kids is also a good way.D. You should make more friends than others.E. Being better at your subjects than most kids can also help. F. Exercising more to keep healthy is good.
Now my daughter Donna and Laura are good friends. But you know Laura's aunt Lillian was my good friend 1._________ I was a child.
One day, Donna said to me, “Mom, I made 2._________new friend at school. Can she come to our home tomorrow ”“Enjoy 3._________( you)." I said and thought of my own friend, Lillian. We met 4._________the age of 10, too. Like my daughter, I was shy, but Lillian made friends with me and helped me 5._________( much) than anyone else.
Once, Lillian went on a trip to Florida. That was the first time we had to be away from each other for a few days. 6._________, three days later, Lillian couldn't come back anymore. My heart almost 7._________(break). It made me think about the 8._________( say ), “ A friend is easier lost than found."
The next day Donna brought her new friend home. “Hi, Mrs Loggia. My name is Laura. "Laura was so much like Lillian. I was 9._________( true) surprised when Laura's mom came to pick her up that afternoon. I opened the door 10._________(let)her in.“Judy! It's me, Lillian's sister." Yes, Laura looked familiar(熟悉的).She was Lillian's niece(外甥女).

