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[db:作者] 2024-08-26试卷答案





3.What record did the woman just break?A.Her personal record.B The school record.C.The national record.


①My daughter gave me an address book(地址簿) for my birthday. She knows the one I have is old. The gift is lovely: the cover is colourful, and the pages are white. But I don’t feel like I am free to use this new address book because I’m still tied to my old one.
②My address book tells my own story—the way I moved around. Names were added in different colours from different periods of my life. When I moved back home to Niagara, my address book included the old information I needed in order to be able to get in touch with some of my old friends again.
③There are certainly stories of friendships in this book—the comings and goings of my friends. Their address has been corrected again and again, filling up one line after another. I have started using pencil for some of them because they are taking up too much space! Some friends went on to marry each other. For such things, I used arrows (箭头) to show how these two families had become one. Children’s names were added one by one. Then some got their own lines as they moved out.
④This book also includes the stories of my family—two generations(一代人) of relatives. I can remember all their phone numbers, and I can picture their houses in detail. Some have died, but their addresses are still there in my book.
⑤“Don’t you have all that on your phone ” My daughter, who never uses address books, asked me once when she saw me checking my address book. I know that having it on a phone is super useful and can save a lot of trouble. But making changes on a phone is always done completely. When you don’t see a person any more, you delete (删除) all his information. It’s like he was never there.
⑥My old address book now sits on top of the new one. The magnet(磁铁) on its cover is as strong as ever, keeping all the people from A to Z in order. But my new address book whispers a story of new possibilities. It offers me space for those new friends that I haven’t met yet. I’ll get to it. It’s just a matter of time.


A.rose; raised B.raised; rose C.rises; to raise D.raises; to rise
25.We want a big circle _______ friends. Because friends can make us happy every day.
A.at B.of C.in D.around
26.—Let’s _________ basketball this afternoon.
—I don’t like it. I like going __________.
A.play;swim B.playing;swim
C.play;swimming D.playing;swimming

