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[db:作者] 2024-08-27试卷答案




41 in the rainforest. Sadly, all three 42 on the plane died, including the children's mother.This left the four children 43 in the jungle. The oldest child was a 13-year-old girl and the smallest wasonly 11 months old. The children are members of the Indigenous Hui to to tribe(部落) . This tribe lives in then arAmazon rainforest, so the children are 44 with some of the plants and fruits that can be found there.At first, the children 45 the flour in the crashed airplane. When they ran out of flour, the children usedtheir 46 of the forest fruits and seeds to survive. 47, it was a time when many rainforest plants wereproducing fruit.As soon as the plane went down, people started 48 to see if anyone had survived. After two weeks, thepeopplane was found. The people searching found signs that the children might still be 49.Rescue teams flew in helicopters and 50 boxes of food, hopingboxes of food, hoping the children would find them. But theythecouldn't see the ground because the forest was so 51 . The helicopters even played a recorded message fromthe children’s grandmother, 52 the kids not to move around.ndmAfe more than a month, the soldiers finally found the children in the forest.The children were very weak,bat they were alive. Everyone was extremely happy and 53, seeing the chidren were safe. The 54 otthe children's survival has inspired many people. It has also 55 how the knowledge and skilsf indigenouspeople can help in difficult times.C. crashed D.hid41. A. burned B.parkedD.friends42. A. engineers B.adults C.relativesA43. A. alone B.embarrassed C.excited D.flexible344. A. satisfied B.disappointed C.patient D.familiar45. A. put away B.lived on C.gave out D.handed in46. A. description B. technology C.curiosity D.knowledge47. A. Luckily B.Sadly C.Unexpectedly D.Supposedly48.A. explaining B.recording C. searching D.sponsoring49. A. enthusiastic B.alive C.energetic D.mysterious50. A. collected B.invented C.protected D.dropped511. A. thick B.peaceful C.dangerous D.interestingC52. A. allowing B.training C.persuading D.forcingA5353. A. certain B.comfor ted C.confident D.confused54. A. problem B. condition C.possibility D.story


5. What do the speakers plan to do
A. Drive back home. B. Stay at the airport. C. Go to the airport hotel.
第二节 (共15小题; 每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
6. Why did Johnson miss the game
A. He got the time wrong.



