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[db:作者] 2024-08-27试卷答案




14. What is Gerald doing today?A. Getting some donations.B. Cleaning his house. C. Joining a charity.




2. The middle route, the most prominent one due to __________ (it) role in feeding water to the nation’s capital, begins at the Danjiangkou reservoir in the Hanjiang River in central province of Hubei and runs northeastward to Beijing and Tianjin. It started supplying water in December 2014.
3. Bike sharing, for example, is not new itself. But China has made __________ much more convenient and popular both in China and overseas.
4. Jinling Library, founded in 1927, established __________ (it) first “Window of Chinese Books” overseas in Nigeria in 2013. There will be more in the future.
5. He practiced rapidly moving the glove to his good hand after he had pitched the ball to his father. He was always forcing __________ (he) to get that glove faster and faster.
6. A drama series named Medal of the Republic has appealed to a large audience on Chinese social media in the last few weeks. __________ tells heart-warming stories about the first group of eight Chinese people who were awarded the Medal of the Republic.
7. The variety show, Shang Xin Le Gu Gong, broadcast __________ (it) first episode (一集) on Beijing TV and online streaming media site, , on November 9. That first episode won wide acceptance from audience and was thought highly of on Douban.com.
8.It is part of a drive by the Department for Education to address the rise in students who report __________ (they) mental health issues at university.

