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[db:作者] 2024-08-28试卷答案




12.What's the probable relationship between the speakers?A.Workmates. B.Friends. C.Husband and wife.


C. keep to the left
40. From the passage(文章), we know_____.
A. no robots can play cards B. we can talk with ChatGPT
C. all the robots can speak Chinese and English
五年级英语试题 第 4 页 共 6 页
书 写 部 分


When I was first in junior high,I knew no one.Most students talked only to people they knew So they left me out of their conversations(对话).I would come home crying because 1 was lonely.Mother asked me what the worst time was and I said that it was at lunchtime.
She said,“You are not the only lonely person.There are others that are alone.Tomorrow I want you to look around the lunchroom to see if you see other people eating by themselves.1 want you to go to one of them and ask if you can join him or her.”
Well,the next day,I did look around and asked the first person who was already sitting alone.The young girl was very happy.I shared my story with the girl and the next day we met for lunch and found some other people who were alone and also knew no one.This began a very interesting approach(靠近) to life.
The lessons that I learned from that experience have stayed with me all my life.I have few problems approaching new people at a gathering(聚会).I learned that I am not alone.I could reach out to others.Most people are just like you and me.We all want to be noticed,to get a little attention,and to have someone be interested in listening to us.
If you want to have a friend,you must be a friend !
24.What is the writer’s opinion about friends

