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[db:作者] 2024-08-28试卷答案





Mom and Kate go downstairs (下楼) , and th laughs(大笑)“Why are you laughing, Mom?”Kate asks-Whut’s on your r?" Mom an ks.____Kate finds her yellow pencil. She puts it on her car after she draws the picture.Where does Kate look for her yellow pencil①On her bedd②In her desk.A In her school④Under her chair.A.①②③ B.①②④ C.②③④④ D.①③④67. What does ed word worriedthe me aan in ChinesseA.担心的B.后悔的的68.Who help s Kate find tthe yellow pencil?C.兴奋的D.自豪的A.Her sister.r. B.Her mother C.Her father. D.Her brother.69.What's the best title ffor the passageA.The lost picture B.A happy mo theC.The lost pencil D.A color pencilToday is Gina's birthday.“What can I get today?” Gina thinksCina thinks.The breakfast is on the table. But her parents are n't in.“Do they forget (忘记) ay??”Gina is n't happy. After having the milk, bread and an egg, she goes to school.At school, she meets Jill, her best friend.But Jill forgets her birthday, too.“D you want to play ping-pong with me after school?”Jill asks.“You say it's interesting““No. I d on't want to play it today, Gina says.“No one knows my birthday!”she thinks. Foruncch, Gina has a hamburger and some salad at school.After school, Gina gets in her mother's car (小车) .Om the way, Gina sees a basketball roomGina likes to play it, but they don't stop(停) there. At last Mom stops at the ping-pong room.““Why are we here?”Gina asksTThen Gina sees a nice cake (蛋糕) on the ping-pong table.“Happy birth da .MomandJill say.70.What does Gina thir k of playing A.Fun. B.Relaxing. pi ffi cul D.Boring71. What does the underiin eed word"it refer to?A.Ping-pong B. The room. C.The car. D.Basket hall.72.Which is RIGHT?A.Gina asks her parents to buy a cake for her.B.Gina goes to school in her mom's car.C.Gina likes basketball and ping-pong.D.Gina knows first who are in the pi阅读下面短文,并用英语回答问题(请注意每小题后面的词数要求))。Helo, boys and g its! I’m Ben. I'm 13. Bob is my brother. He's 15. We b th love play inparts. Bob's favorite sport is baseball. He thinks it's interesting. He plays it every day. He has 10baseballs and 2 baseball bats. They're all in the box under his bed. Bob has a baseball hat, too. It's on


Note:当直接宾语是代词时,只能用“及物动词+sth +for/to +sb”结构。


Ⅲ. 阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)
阅读下面三篇材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳答案。
Everyone has bad feelings, such as anger, worry, or sadness. But do you know how to deal with your bad emotions (情绪)
●Breathing (呼吸): Imagine that you smell a flower, and then blow up a balloon. Keep doing it and you can calm down.
●Moving: Do some exercise, such as jumping and running. Sweating helps you relax.
●Talking: Talk to others when you feel worried.

