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[db:作者] 2024-08-29试卷答案





23. Which will attra et visitors who are interested in contemporary art?A. City Palace. B. Block Printing Workshop.C. Jawahar Kala Kendra CentreD.A no khi Museum of Hand Printing.




Students’ Union
第二节 (满分25分)
Jenny always admired powerful and attractive marathon runners and dreamed that one day she could also run a marathon.
To make it, one day, she began to seriously prepare. At first, she only set the small goal of running one kilometer each morning. However, she still found it tiring and soon gave up running. As days went on, her weight gradually increased. Upset about her health, she finally decided to lose weight by doing exercise. She began running again.
As usual, in the following days, her big problem with exercising was always how to stay motivated. She tried to find guidance from running experts and books. And everything she read indicated that she’d better pair up with a running partner. She followed the advice, but human exercise companions always let her down. Her last exercise companion quit with excuses like, “It’s my turn to do the dishes” at six o’clock in the morning! She hated to admit it, but she had made similar excuses to others and disappointed them in similar ways.

