( ) 56. Who can join in the competition?A. All the teachers and students.B.All the students in the school.C. Only the students from the sixth grade.D. Only the students from the ninth grade.
17.`、「11at is thc purposc ofthe annual school carnival
A.To int1· oduCc ncw students.
B.′ro raise nlnds f。 r thc schoo1 1ibrary,
C).′ 1·o cclcbrate thc end ofthe school year.
18.Whcn arc the auditions(试 演)for thC wintcr play taking place
A.Every day aftcr school next wcck,
B.Ncxt bΙ onday and saturday.
(5)﹣Look.No eating or drinking in the library.
周六,Wu Binbin在家里。电话铃突然响起……
A.I often clean my room and read books. B.See you. C.What are you doing? D.When is the party? E.We can also sing and play games.