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[db:作者] 2024-08-30试卷答案




25.Which racial group is the largest in America?A.People from Spain. B.White non-Hispanics.C.Non-white people. D.People from the Caribbean.


A. in; to B. on; for C. in; on

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 10. Gao Wei is a good student. He up early.
下 A. sing a song B. play ping-pang C. high jump A. gets B. get C. getting
学 D. wash the clothes G. do the housework H. help old people
期 二、根据汉语提示完成句子。(10)


Take blogs for example. With blogs, anyone can give an account of their activities and their opinions, and discuss places they have visited on their websites. Of course, there are drawbacks to the technological advancement. One of the main problems is that it is easy for someone to publish wrong information.
Artificial intelligence is changing many ways of the education industry, from teaching to administration. For example, Al can be used to monitor a student’s progress and give reports to the teachers. Teachers can use Al to analyze students’ records and results and give feedback. Some universities are even using AI to teach.
When it comes to education technology, it is clear that some technological advancements were not directly created for education but have made learning more accessible. For example, one may not consider social media as educational technology.
However, consider how many people who have similar ideas have been connected and shared information over social media with those who would not have met otherwise.
This adaptation of different technological tools from different fields is helping improve the quality of education for students everywhere.
32.What enables students in different countries to learn the same materials at the same time
A.Online learning. B.Online blogging.

