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[db:作者] 2024-08-30试卷答案




BIn international tests of math, science and reading, students in Finland do well. This is good news! Butwhen yyou in nd ewat the schools, it's not easy to 41. Finnish students don't start school ul untilthey are seven years old. The school day is 42, only about five hours. Students dont have muchhomework and there are no exams. So, why dont they do badly in tests? Perhaps 43 else canexplain it.There is another unusual feature of schools in Finland. For most of us, the school timetable is a list of44 , for example, math, history, English, with one lesson following another. But some experts believeouur brains don't divide our learning into subjects. Our brains learn better when the y 45 new informormationin context. This is why some Finnish schools dont teach subjects separately . 46, they give students aproject, such as the weather”, and then bring school subjects into it.So how do some experts believe we learn most easily? Here’s a(n) 47of a project with a class of12-year-olds. Students watch a video re-enactment of the end of the city of Pompeii from ancient Italy. Thenon their computers, they compare ancient Italy under the Romans 48 modern Finland. Groups look adifferent parts of the topic and the n 49 their ideas with each other. They also use 3-D printers to makea tiny Roman building. Later, they use the pieces of the building for a 50 .This project includeshistory, design and ICT(information and communications technology) .41. A. correct B.explain C. prepareD.discuss42.A. early B.ready C.fresh D. short43. A. something B.anything C.everything D. nothingD.holidays44. A. messages B.programs C.subjectsC.put D.pay45. A. cut B.get46. A. However B.Again C.Once D.Instead47. A. example B.reasonC.choice D.questionD.over48. A. fromB.about C. withD.greet49. A. laugh B.share C.avoidD.game50. A. trip B.menu C.song


Dear Ryan,
I am Li Hua from Grade 2, a participant in the last continuation writing competition. Having scored only 14 for my continuation writing, I felt it unfair, so I am writing to you to state my reasons.
For my writing, I felt it totally meets the requirements put forward in the contest. To begin with, the structure of my composition is definitely clear and the plot develops reasonably, no prolixity at all. Additionally, the words and sentences used are colorful, without repeatedly using the same word. I even wrote some compound sentences to update my writing, such as attributive clause, the emphatic pattern, inverted sentence and so on. Finally, a well-known saying is used to end my article, which I think is a perfect highlight of the passage.
In a word, with the merits mentioned above, I wonder why I got such a low score. If it is convenient for you, please give me an explanation.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
Possible version 2:


( ) 40. It’s hard to believe that the car model ______ by my brother last year.
A. create B. created C. is created D. was created
Ⅶ.完形填空(共10 小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
Have you seen the giraffe What colour is it There is a new baby giraffe in a zoo in America. It’s very 41 because it has no spots (斑点). Common giraffes have spots to hide from their enemies and keep safe. This giraffe is 42 . It’s a reticulated (网状的) giraffe.
The baby giraffe is a female (雌性). She’s already 6 feet tall, 43 she’s very mon giraffes get their spots before they’re born, but she 44 has no spots.
If she lives in the wild, it might be harder for her to hide because she’s all one 45 , a light brown. People might even try to 46 her because she’s so unusual.

