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[db:作者] 2024-08-31试卷答案




26. What do the u der lined words “dogg ic paddled” mean in paragraph 4?A.Screamed for help. B.Rowed the boat.C.Sank in the water. D.Swam like a dog.


Some Information about Chinese Medicine
Name: Huoxiang Note: If people vomit (呕吐) and don't want to cat anything, they can use it. Way to take it: First cook it in water for some minutes and then get the medicine soup. When taking it, you can add some brown sugar to it to make it taste better.
Name: Paconiac Radix Alba Note: It's useful for the stomachache and the headache. Way to take it: First put it in water for 30—60 minutes. Then cook it for some minutes. Finally, get the medicine soup and drink it.
Name: Panax notoginseng Note: People can use it to stop the bleeding or use it when they have a sore back, a toothache or a sore in other parts of the body. The taste is not terrible. Way to take it: It's OK to take it after making it into powder (粉末). People can also put it on the sore part of the body.
Name: Niuhuang Note: It's useful for the sore throat and clearing heat-toxin (消热解毒). Way to take it: Take it with water or make it into powder and put it on the sore body part.


Ghunta lived in a rural part of Western Jamaica. He was kept at home while his older sisters 2 school. When Ghunta finally went to school, he couldn’t 3 his reading skills. The situation was made worse by a series of teachers who made him feel 4 . “I struggled in school with a deep sense of loss and shame.” he recalled.
Fortunately, at age 12, a young teacher -in -training decided to start a special reading program for 5 students. Ghunta was the first student to 6 . That teacher, whose 7 he does not recall, would become Ghunta’s unsung hero—the person who 8 his life.
Under her 9 , Ghunta’s reading skills finally started to improve. And his sense of self-doubt began to 10 . He graduated from elementary school with a number of 11 awards. He went on to college, and later, graduate school. Today, he is the author of two children’s books. He’s now 12 his first full-length collection of poetry.
In 2010, Ghunta went back to his old school, to ask the principal and teachers if they knew his old teacher’s name. But no one did.
“I would love for her to see the 13 impact that she has made on my life, and the way s in which I have carried this 14 of her —the hope, the light, with me—and how it continues to be a source of 15 .”
1.A.regularly B.barely C.actually D.probably
2.A.examined B.confirmed C.attended D.attempted

