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[db:作者] 2024-09-01试卷答案




23.VWhat is the purpose of the text?A. To introduce a specific vacation arrangement.B.To compare camping adventures in the woods.C.To recommend novel vacation accommodations.D. To urge visitors to change their accommodations.


31. What is the author’s purpose in writing the text
A. To show us the importance of success. B. To suggest love is at the center of our life.
C. To remind us not to overly pursue success. D. To share his experience in finding happiness.
A humanoid robot can relay video and touch sensations to a person wearing a haptic (触觉内) feedback suit and a virtual reality (VR) headset hundreds of kilometres away, offering away for people to attend events without travelling.
The iCub 3 robot is a 52-kilogram, 125-centimetre-tall robot with 54 joints across its body. Its head contains two cameras where a human’s eyes would be, and an Internet-connected computer where the brain would go. Along with the cameras, sensors covering its body send data to the robot’s “brain”. These sensations are then reproduced on a suit and VR headset worn by a remote human operator.
When the operators react to what they see and feel, the suit’s sensors pick up the movements and the robot matches them. “The key is to translate every signal and bit of digital data that can be sent through the network.” says Stefano Dafarra, who was part of the iCub3 team. There can be a small delay of up to 100 milliseconds to capture and transmit the visual shots, but the operator can case this by moving slightly slower than normal.


假定你是李华。几个月前,你由于英语学习进步缓慢而感到沮丧,外教Mr. Smith给予了帮助。请你给他写一封邮件,内容包括:
1. 表示感谢;
2. 回顾Mr. Smith对你的帮助;
3. 你的感受。
1. 写作词数应为 80个左右。
2. 请按如下格式作答。

