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[db:作者] 2024-09-01试卷答案





阅读下面短文,从每题所给的AB、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Smith Justice and his son were coming back from the dentist, when they saw a homeless man in theroad. Smith 41 to give the man some money, but didn’t have any cash. His son suggested givingthe man the 30 cents he had. But Smith was 42. He didn’t want to give this man just 30 centssince the man 43 needed all the help he could get. Moreover, his own pride and thoughts of theallhomeless man’s unknown 44 to receiving just thirty cents was standing 45od thing was not good enough to make aa46 inSmith told his son what people s a w as a good thi ’m sorry.47the window and said to the man y, man.someone’s life. But his son insisted. Smith 第6页(共8页)


2. He didn't pass the-exam because of his___________(粗心).
3. She is a__________(天生的)blind and never sees anything.
4. These___________(语法)rulers are too hard to remember.
5. She often won high__________(表扬)from her mother.
6.Kitty is a_______(生机勃勃的) girl. She enjoys dancing and singing.
7. This is a____________(高速的)railway. It was built 10 years ago.
8.I wish to make this matter known to the________(普遍的)public.


Now, let’s think about what to do first. Put the important things at the top, like
五年级 英语 第 3 页 (共 6 页)
homework before playtime.
◎Use a helpful timer
Do you often spend too much time on one thing Set a timer for the time you want to
spend on it. When you hear the alarm, it’s time to finish up the thing.

