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[db:作者] 2024-09-01试卷答案




When Derek was 17 years old, his father said to him, “I always have a dream. I hope you canbecome a great surfer. Maybe, it 23 by you some day ...From that moment, Derek went to the beach and started taking surfing classes with a coach. Derekwanted to become a surfer. He trained 24 th an other boys and he finally learned to surf.Derek explained that although he 25 see, he could understand the noises that the waves made.He could hear them when they came. He often says, “Every part of a wave makes a different noise, so Ican know the exact direction and 26 to surf in.In 2012, Derek 27 to Hawaii to surf one of the most challenging and dangerous waves in theworld. Local surfers were very surprised to see the 28 young man surf the huge waves with no problemat all.A film producer thought it was a good idea 29 a film about Derek. It was Beyond Sight. This filmtell s lots of Derek's inspirational(鼓舞人心的)30. It also teaches us that nothing is impossible if wecan believe in ourselves.C21.A. the B.a C.an D./22.A. but B.or C. because D.soB23.A. realized B.will be realized C. was realized D.will realize124.A.hard B.hardest C.harder D.hardly几千下不需要应该25.5. A. couldnthrac B. need n’t C. must n’t D. should n’t ed26.A.why do I need B.where do I need C.why I needD.where I need27. A.will fly B.flew C. have flown D.flies28.A. confidence B. importance C.confident D.important29. A. to make B. to take C.make D.take


问: How long is/are+某物?
答:It’s/They’re (about)+基数词+长度单位+long.
★how big/tall/many/much/old


A. Billy. B. George. C. The framer. D. Billy's father.
40. What can we know from the postcard
A. Jane's family are in Australia now. B. Jane's parents have a son and a daughter.
C. George's favorite animal is chickens. D. Alice will go to Canada soon.
My name is Sadia Khatun. I'm from Bangladesh (孟加拉). It's difficult to walk on some roads in the rainy season here. So how do I go to school It's easy! The school comes to me! I study on a “floating school”.
My floating school is a “school bus” and classroom all in one. The boat picks me up early in the morning. Our classroom is on the boat too. There are many boats on the river at the same time. Each boat has one teacher and one class. The teacher teaches us all the subjects.

