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2024届江西省八年级第八次阶段适应性评估[PGZX A JX]英语

[db:作者] 2024-09-02试卷答案
2024届江西省八年级第八次阶段适应性评估[PGZX A JX]英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于2024届江西省八年级第八次阶段适应性评估[PGZX A JX]英语得系列试题及其答案,更多

2024届江西省八年级第八次阶段适应性评估[PGZX A JX]英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于2024届江西省八年级第八次阶段适应性评估[PGZX A JX]英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注本网站


1、2024届江西省八年级第八次阶段适应性评估[PGZX A JX]英语选择部分

34.Which of the following groups of collected data most likely points to a liar? i $$y _ { 1 }$$(N=nose tip drop; F=forehead rise)$$A . N 0 . 9 ^ { \circ } C , F 0 . 7 ^ { \circ } C .$$ $$B . N 1 . 1 ^ { \circ } C , F 1 . 4 ^ { \circ } C .$$$$C . N 0 . 6 ^ { \circ } C , F 0 . 9 ^ { \circ } C .$$ $$D . N 1 . 2 ^ { \circ } C , F 0 . 5 ^ { \circ } C .$$

2、2024届江西省八年级第八次阶段适应性评估[PGZX A JX]英语填空题部分

W: It's warned that it will pour down this afternoon.
M: Really I don't think so. It was fine when we went out this morning.
W: But the weather has been changing very fast these days. Just look at the dark sky.
Text 2
M: Lucy, shall we get off at the next stop
W: Why There are two more stops from our home.
M: Well, I had too much at the dinner party and I feel like walking a bit.

3、2024届江西省八年级第八次阶段适应性评估[PGZX A JX]英语阅读理解部分

Jack is often ________ in ________ a novel. In ________ ________, he would forget all about eating or sleeping.
I ________ ________ love with books at an early age. ________ ________ to reading for knowledge, I read for fun and inspiration.
I was just ________ ________ ________ the office ________ the telephone rang.

