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[db:作者] 2024-09-02试卷答案





阅读下面短文,从每题所给的AB、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Smith Justice and his son were coming back from the dentist, when they saw a homeless man in theroad. Smith 41 to give the man some money, but didn’t have any cash. His son suggested givingthe man the 30 cents he had. But Smith was 42. He didn’t want to give this man just 30 centssince the man 43 needed all the help he could get. Moreover, his own pride and thoughts of theallhomeless man’s unknown 44 to receiving just thirty cents was standing 45od thing was not good enough to make aa46 inSmith told his son what people s a w as a good thi ’m sorry.47the window and said to the man y, man.someone’s life. But his son insisted. Smith 第6页(共8页)


The Talk: “The Evolution of Morality”
Professor Stephen Stich’s Talk on “The Evolution of Morality”
The Department of Philosophy, the Institute of Foreign Philosophy, and the Center for the Studies of Analytic Philosophy at Peking University invite Professor Stephen Stich (Rutgers University, USA) to visit Peking University on March 29th, 2024. Professor Stephen Stich kindly accepts the invitation and will deliver a talk on the evolution of morality from 10:00 to 12:00 on March 29th, 2024 in Room 109 of the No. 3 Yard of Lee Shau Kee Humanities Buildings.
The Abstract for the Talk:
The theory of moral psychology proposed by Sripada & Stich, and many other theories in which social learning plays a major role, suggests that people will often internalize standards that reduce their own biological fitness. It might be thought that no such psychological mechanism could possibly evolve. But that would be a mistake. In this talk, I’ll explain why it was all but unavoidable that natural selection would lead to moral psychology in our species, once we had acquired the ability to learn from one another. The account I’ll offer explains why many moral regulations improve cooperative or pro-social behavior. It also explains why many human regulations lead to ethnic hatred and morally unacceptable behavior. If the account is correct, these standards will be very difficult to overturn, and powerful cultural differences in standards are likely to be widespread.
* Chandra Sripada & Stephen Stich, “A Framework for the Psychology of Norms,” in P. Carruthers, S. Laurence & S. Stich, eds., The Innate Mind: Culture and Cognition. (New York: Oxford University Press), 2006. pp. 280-301.
21.What will happen at Peking University according to the text


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