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[db:作者] 2024-09-08试卷答案




33.What do both Wittmann and Andersen agree with?A.It is impossible for us to live without the sense of time.B.Many people tend to save time in unhealthy ways.C.It is difficult to accurately sense the passage of time.D.Your sense of self has little to do with your memories.


18.In my opinion, Anna is (clever) than his brother.
【详解】句意:在我看来,安娜比他哥哥聪明。根据“than”可知空处应填 clever 的比较级 cleverer“更聪明
的”。故填 cleverer。
19.I think Jack is (tall) boy in his class.
【答案】the tallest
【详解】句意:我认为杰克是他们班上最高的男孩。本句给出范围“in his class”,强调三者及以上的比较,


About three months ago, a group of us were playing football together after school. Having left something in the cloakroom, I went inside to get it, finding Colin going through the pockets of people's coats. In his hand he had a wallet, but it wasn't his! I just looked at him. Colin went bright red. "I'll put it back right now," he said, and he did so. I turned round and walked out without saying a word.
Last week our school had a big fair in order to raise money for a charity. It was very successful and by the end of the day, we had made about 500. Holding the box, our head teacher said with a smile "We have raised 500 here." But to our surprise, the next morning, we were told that the money had been stolen.
I decided to ask Colin about the theft, and this morning I went to see him. I approached Colin with a heavy heart, knowing that this conversation could be hard. "Colin, I need to ask you something," I began cautiously. He looked up at me, his eyes filled with a mixture of curiosity and worry. "Did you take the money from the charity fair " I asked directly, hoping to get a straight answer.
Colin's face turned pale, unable to meet my eyes._______________________________________________

