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[db:作者] 2024-09-09试卷答案





31. What is the best title of the passage?A. Mushrooms Benefit From Staying CoolB. Cool Mushrooms Are to Keep Your Picnic CoolC. Mushrooms Stay Cooler Than Their SurroundingsD.The Colo of Mushrooms Affects Their Temperature


Most people will learn one or two languages in their lives, but Vaughn Smith speaks 24 languages, a hyperpolyglot—a rare individual who speaks more than 10 languages. However, scientists have largely ignored what’s going on inside the brains of polyglots—people who speak more than five languages—says Evelina Fedorenko, a cognitive (认知的) neuroscientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She adds,”That’s partly because they account for only 1% of people globally, making it difficult to find enough participants for research. “In a new study led by Fedorenko, researchers looked inside the minds of polyglots like Smith to reveal how language-specific regions in their brains respond to hearing different languages. “This study will contribute to our understanding of how our brain learns languages,” she says.
To gain insights into how polyglots process five or more languages, Fedorenko’s team scanned the brains of 25 polyglots. They used a brain imaging technique called functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), which measures blood flow in the brain, to map out these language networks. Inside the fMRI machine, the polyglots listened to a series of 16-second-long recordings in one of eight different languages. The eight languages included each participant’s native language, three others they learned later in life, and four unfamiliar languages. Two of the unfamiliar languages were closely related to the participant’s native language—for instance, Spanish for a native Italian speaker. The other two unfamiliar languages came from unrelated language families.
The researchers found that when participants heard any of the eight languages, blood always rushed to the same brain regions. In other words, the participants’ brains appeared to use the same basic network as monolinguals (单语言者) to try to understand the sounds, regardless of which language they heard. Moreover, the activity in the brain’s language networks changed based on how well participants understood a language. The more familiar the language, the larger the response. Brain activity particularly was invigorated when participants heard unfamiliar languages that were closely related to ones they knew well. This might have happened as brain areas worked overtime to puzzle out the meanings based on similarities between the languages.
There was one exception to the rule: When participants heard their native tongue, their language networks were actually quieter than when they heard other familiar languages. This trend held even when participants were fluent in their other familiar languages. That could be so because expertise reduces the amount of brain power needed for a task, the researchers note.
While this study casts light on multilinguists’ brain activity, there are still unanswered questions. Notably, future research hopes to study people who learned multiple languages from infancy (婴儿期). Nevertheless, “this study could one day lead to better tools to help people relearn languages more easily after a stroke or brain damage.” Fedorenko says.
38.What is the main purpose of the first paragraph
A.To present a latest brain theory. B.To stress the significance of the study.


A.a little B.little C.a few D.few
考查形容词比较级的修饰词。few,a few 用来修饰或替代可数名词;little,a little 用来修饰或替代不可数
名词。few,little 表示“几乎没有”,其意义是否定的;a few,a little 表示“有一些”,其意义是肯定的。这四
者短语,用来表示程度的有 far, much, a lot, a little, a bit。根据“bigger than that one.”可知,这里用 a little 修

