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[db:作者] 2024-09-11试卷答案




34. What are the scientists attitude to their findings?A. Confused. B. Doubtful. C. Cautious.


A. It is blue and black. B. 30 dollars. C. It will go well with my trousers. D. I will buy him a pair of sneakers. E. What's your size
Saleswoman: Can I help you
Mum: Yes, please. My boy will take part in some events on sports day.
Jack: May I look at that pair
Saleswoman: We have different sizes.
Jack: I wear a 42.


23. What do the England Coastal Path and the Slovenia Mountain Trail have in common
A. They share a similar landscape. B. They are located in the same country.
C. They can be broken into small regions. D. They are famous as winter destinations.
Lyu Yating, a young artisan(工匠) from Jingdezhen, is making great efforts to create Ling long porcelain(瓷器), a unique type of porcelain from Jingdezhen, often referred to as the “city of porcelain” in East China’s Jiangxi province.
Born in a family in Jingdezhen deeply rooted in the porcelain field, Lyu spent her childhood playing with clay(黏土) everyday. While studying international business in the UK, Lyu found that many foreign museums showed Chinese porcelain. “Seeing those pieces made me really want to preserve this tradition. It’s a significant part of Chinese culture, reflecting the wisdom of several generations of Chinese,” she said.
However, Ling long porcelain is too difficult to make, so it is hardly seen in the market; even museums display very few examples of it. Due to the difficult y with its production process, only a limited number of Ling long porcelain pieces have survived overtime

