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[db:作者] 2024-09-18试卷答案





12.Where does the conversation probably take place?A.In a classroom. B.In a bookstore. C.In a gallery.


C. How One Woman Started a School for Migrant Children
D. How One Woman Improved Migrants’ Living Conditions
Brown mud is found on coastlines around the UK. It might not look very exciting but in fact it supports wildlife that does a very important job. Scientists in Scotland have just begun a study of coastal mud. They are sifting(筛选) through it to find the creatures living there, which could provide a natural solution to climate change.
Some of the mud-burrowing(泥土穴居) creatures feed on tiny organisms such as algae and plankton. These organisms absorb carbon. If algae and plankton are left in the sea they eventually die, rot(腐烂) and give out carbon dioxide (CO ) gas into the atmosphere, which contributes to global warming. Instead, many are pulled down into the sea be d by mud-burrowing creatures, where the carbon they contain is stored, for hundreds of years.
Dr Ceri Lewis is leading a team of scientists who are measuring which creatures are best at storing carbon in the sea be d off the west coast of Scotland. “There are some fantastic, wonderful animals living in ocean mud, all doing these important jobs,” Lewis told The Times newspaper. In the area, there are at least 200 species of invertebrates (animals without backbones). The scientists’ work includes scooping up mud from the sea bed, sifting it to find the invertebrates, and measuring how much carbon each one stores.
Lewis’s study is part of a huge five-year project called the Convex Seascape Survey. It is measuring how much carbon is stored in coastal areas all around the world, and how much more could be stored in the future. Lewis admits that mud isn’t the first thing people think of when looking for solutions to climate change, but, she says, “It couldn’t be a more important time to work out how we can best use nature’s power to lock carbon away.”


( )1. How many goats are there on the farm
A. Forty-two. B. Forty-three.
( )2. Do you have a baby brother
A. No, I don't B. Yes , I do
( )3. Whose shoes are these
A. They are Mike's B. They are John’s
( )4. How much are the sunglasses

