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[db:作者] 2024-10-13试卷答案




( ) 16. What does she think of the first TV?A.It is expensive. B. It has a bad picture.C. It looks small.


C. It’s always a good time to learn. D. Compete with honor and win with grace.
Our travels are not limited to physical time. We also experience mental time travel. We visit the past through our memories and then journey into the future by imagining what tomorrow or next year might bring. When we do so, we think of ourselves as we are now, remember who we once were and envision how we will be.
A recent study explores how one particular brain region helps to knit together memories of the present and future selves. When people sustain an injury to this area, it leads to a damaged sense of identity. The region, called vmPFC, may produce a fundamental model of the person and place it in mental time. When the region does so, it may be the source of our sense of self. It’s also found that memories that reference the self are easier to recall. They benefit from what researchers have called a self-reference effect.
In the study, the researchers used the self-reference effect to assess memories of present and future selves among people who had brain lesions (损伤) to the vmPFC. The scientists worked with people with vmPFC lesions, then compared them with a control group made up of people with injuries to other parts of the brain and healthy individuals. They were asked to list adjectives to describe themselves and a celebrity, both in the present and future. Later, they had to recall these same traits. It was discovered that people in the control group could recall more adjectives linked to themselves than adjectives linked to the celebrity. However, the participants with vmPFC lesions had little or no ability to recall references to the self, regardless of the context of time. Their identification of adjectives for celebrities was also comparatively weak.
These findings are intriguing, for the study helps us understand how self-related memories depend on the function of the vmPFC. But what about our past selves Previous studies asked people to consider their past selves, but there was no evidence of the self-reference effect. Our past selves seem foreign to us, as if they were individuals apart from us.
One idea that scientists have put forward to understand this distinction is that perhaps we are not very kind in our judgments of our past selves. Instead we may be rather critical of our previous behavior, emotions and personal traits. We may use our past primarily to construct a more positive self-image in the present. Put another way, because we may recognize flaws (瑕疵) in our past self’s behavior, we tend to distance ourselves from the person we once were.


Module 9 Unit1 Do you want to visit the UN building
-Do you want to visit the UN building in New York 你们想要参观纽约的联合国大厦吗
-Yes,we do!是的,我们想!

