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[db:作者] 2024-10-17试卷答案




4.What is the text mainly about?A.How to grow flowers in winter.B.What to do to be a good gardener.C.Where to find suitable flower seeds.D.How to save flower seeds for next year.


This fear is applicable anywhere else: the fear of having your projects or ideas rejected or even the fear of being rejected from your friend group, to name but a few. I cannot tell you how many times I passed up the opportunity because I always thought there were better applicants out there, and for this reason, I missed out on so many opportunities to grow.
Even nowadays, when I get a rejection letter from a scholarship application, I have the same immediate reaction, no matter how many rejections I’ve gone through. But the aftermath(创伤) does get easier Every time I am rejected, I am able to bounce back and hand in another application more quickly. Along the journey of rejections, I realize that I am not incompetent, but that everyone else maybe more capable. And that is okay.
This fear will never truly go away. I’m still terrified to write and publish my articles. But it is thrilling to know that I write what I want to say, explore my mind and learn more about myself. Uncertainty is scary, but without experiencing the scariness, we would never grow, would we
24. What can we know about the author’s applying for the college
A. He knew he could perform it well. B. He stepped out of his comfort zone.
C. He was unwilling to make a change. D. He couldn’t write application letters
25. What caused the author to give up so many chances to grow


中等身高 中等身材
adj.瘦的 首先
adj.重的 adv.沉重的;猛烈地
adv.在今晚;在今夜 七点钟见
adj.小的 在电视上
一点;少量 有点儿
modal v.也许;可能;可以 一份有趣的工作

