7.Which train does the man decide to take?A.The one at 9:50. B.The one at 10:00. C.The one at 10:10.
引导条件状语从句。故选 D。
25.Generally speaking, there can’t be any survivors after such a long time. However, two young people were
found _______. Life is super-nature!
A.living B.lively C.live D.alive
driver’ s liccnse(驾 照)inside thc pursc,Pctcr drovc to the house and knocked on the front d。 。n
T·he pursc belonged to IEliana Malt111,a fonner rooⅡ Ⅱnatc of Mclina Marqucz, Martin had not
changed hcr add.ress since her reccnt rnoVc,so t11C pu.rse was broughtto R压 arqu.ez’ s hon1c.R压arquez was
not at hon1e when Peter arnved,I· Ie left it Ⅵ idl a rclative at the house,and their dialogues wcrc recOrded
by Marquez’ s camera by chance.“ I looked into thc camera latct and I thoughtto myself“ oh my dc狂
I·Ic’s such a young kid.Wie need to f.nd hiln and than.k hin1,’ rcca11ed∶ NIarquez.shc postcd the vidco of