2024考前信息卷·第六辑 重点中学、教育强区 考向预测信息卷(三)3英语
2024考前信息卷·第六辑 重点中学、教育强区 考向预测信息卷(三)3英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于2024考前信息卷·第六辑 重点中学、教育强区 考向预测信息卷(三)3英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注本网站
1、2024考前信息卷·第六辑 重点中学、教育强区 考向预测信息卷(三)3英语选择部分
5.Where does the conversation probably take place?A.At a zoo. B.At a theater. C.Atahotel.
2、2024考前信息卷·第六辑 重点中学、教育强区 考向预测信息卷(三)3英语填空题部分
C.To pr提the book“The Good Life".promotion,升职D.To raise c once关心i bout social interaction.社会交往,29.Which can best describe the study from the University of Chicago?A.Groundbreaking.惊天动地的、开创性白B. Time consuming.耗时的consume-consumerle.大规模的C 30.hat can we learn h study? deep-depth-deepenLarge-scale. D. In-depth.深层次 enum Phi on - 9gsomerenum Phi on - 9gsomerA.ProvidingStrtrong supportis the key to happiness. V.fulfill.B. Good health is of vital importance to adj n翼vt.履行CThe key to a fulfillingg lifee lie s in ssti on g elation ships. healhealth-healthy实现完D. Small talk with s for a happy life.实现131.What does Waldinger recon iendd to improve social fitnessCure治愈A.Making friends with working part ne s. commendecommendation
3、2024考前信息卷·第六辑 重点中学、教育强区 考向预测信息卷(三)3英语阅读理解部分
22.Which of the following most probably happened at the end of the story?A.The students went back home happily.B.Mr.Johnson became angry with the students.C.The students still had a reading test.D.Mrs.Miller came out running after the students.