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[db:作者] 2024-04-22试卷答案




C. He’s following the bird to the house.3. How does Jane like country music?A. It’s fantastic. B. It’s classical4. How long is the Yangtze River?A.About 6, 300 kilometers.B. About 3, 600 kilometers.C. About 6.330 kilometers.5. How many times has the boy been to the Disneyland?A. Once. B.Twice. C. Three times.



30.Why did some companies transport the e-waste to other countries? baA. Lack of available space was the reason for shipping.B.Recycling was totally banned in their own country.C. They were running their companies on a tight budget.D. They were not charged with in securely disposing it.


35.What does the last paragraph talk about?A.The experiment result will be applied to doctors office soon.B.The conection between heart and head is difficult to find out.C.Except for heart, the other parts of the body will affect the anxiety.D. Knowing how heart affects our brain will help doctors treat anxiety disorder.

