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[db:作者] 2024-04-25试卷答案




10.What does the man think of birds?A. They can be cute. B. They can be frightening.C. They can be interesting



1.Why is Lucy sad?A.She feels homesick B.She got lost when hiko g.C.She missed a call from home.


A king happened to travel far into the countryside. He was greatly troubled becausethere were lots of broken stones on the road and the y hurt his 41 seriously. When hereturned to his palace, he told his men to 42 all the roads with cattle hide(牛皮) .He hoped walking would no longer be a 43 thing. But even if all cattle in the____country were killed, there wouldn’t be enough hide to get the work done.They could do 44 but shake their heads. At this time, a clever general in thepalace made a (n) 45 , "My king, why don’t you take an easy way? You don't needto 46 so many cattle. You only need to cover each of your feet with a piece of hide."The king was surprised and pleased, and he changed his mind at once and 47 theplan.This is why people use hide to make 48 . Though it seems strange, it encourages____us to think. It is usually 49 to change oneself than to change the world. Try to put____yourself in the position of the person you 50 . Then when you use another way ofthinking, you will find it is not difficult for you to solve the problem.( ) 41. A.hands B. head C. feet D.heart( ) 42. A. cover B.break C. find D. sign( ) 43. A. usual B.painful C. simple D.personal( ) 44. A. something B. anything C. everythingD.nothing( ) 45. A. suggestion B.decision C. mistake D. invention( ) 46. A. save B. keep C.kill D.buy( ) 47. A. refused B.supported C. doubted D.dropped( ) 48. A. shoes B.coats C.sofas D.roads

