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广西国品文化 2023~2024学年新教材新高考桂柳信息冲刺金卷(六)6英语

[db:作者] 2024-04-26试卷答案
广西国品文化 2023~2024学年新教材新高考桂柳信息冲刺金卷(六)6英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于广西国品文化 2023~2024学年新教材新高考桂柳信息冲刺金卷(六)6英语得

广西国品文化 2023~2024学年新教材新高考桂柳信息冲刺金卷(六)6英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于广西国品文化 2023~2024学年新教材新高考桂柳信息冲刺金卷(六)6英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注本网站


1、广西国品文化 2023~2024学年新教材新高考桂柳信息冲刺金卷(六)6英语选择部分

17.What does the speaker do exactly?A.She is a student consultant.B.She is a school doctor.C.She is the headmaster of a school.

2、广西国品文化 2023~2024学年新教材新高考桂柳信息冲刺金卷(六)6英语填空题部分

广西国品文化 2023~2024学年新教材新高考桂柳信息冲刺金卷(六)6英语

Did you ever imagine that one day we could enjoy the benefits of Traditional ChineseMedicine in a cup of coffee?Traditional Chinese Medicine, or TCM, is 56. approach used to help people____re-balance their health and mind. Atypical way of making a T CM formula(配方) is to get aprescription from a 57. (license) doctor, shop for all the medicinal materials, and____新高考版衡中同卷·英语语法填空专练 第10页(共16页)

3、广西国品文化 2023~2024学年新教材新高考桂柳信息冲刺金卷(六)6英语阅读理解部分

2.What is the man doing?A.Writing letters. B.Taking an interview.C.Talking to his employer.

