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[db:作者] 2024-04-26试卷答案





22.Who can be a volunteer in the program?A.An adult who can only speak German.B.A college student from Canada.C.A student in primary school. D.A local individual free on Saturdays.



cotton and liners(衬层) from old coats to line the insides. It takes about four hours to 48 asleeping bag, and each takes around 150 to 300 chip bags, 49 on whether they're single-serve orfamily size.Since its start in 2020, the Chip Bag Project has 50 110 sleeping bags. Sure, it would be51 to raise the money to buy new sleeping bags. However, that's only half the 52 for Oleita.“We aim to make a (an) 53 not only socially, but environmentally, ”said Ole it a. It is worth54 chip bags and using them to help the homeless. 55 , they would land in the garbage.41.A.reaction B.solution C.response D.way42.A.suggestion B.permission C.favor D.promise43.A.donate B.reserve C.sort D.change44.A.disabled B.elderly C.homeless D.sick45.A.deliver B.drop off C.hand out D.reuse46.A.guard B.promote C.place D.collect47.A.fold B.lay C.cut D.hang48.A.sew B.design C.order D.clean49.A.concentrating B.insisting C.depending D.agreeing50.A.sold B.created C.decorated D.received51.A.simpler B.cooler C.cleverer D.more formal52.A.project B.issue C.battle D.goal53.A.impression B.announcement C.impact D.decision


13.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Classmates. B. Guide and tourist. C. Colleagues.

