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[db:作者] 2024-04-28试卷答案




through the cafe.____When he was in college, Reihani 46 at a local nonprofit and helped children in the foster care____system. It was there that Rei hani heard the youth 's 47 of neglect(忽视) and began 48 how____he could assist them. Thus, he opened the We Are One Project with his sister, 49 to help these young____people find jobs.____After about a year, they realized it was n’t 50 . The youth still couldn't find jobs. So he____________decided to 51 a business that would employ them.As a result, Rei hani founded La La LandKind Cafe, which not only employs them but also spreads kindness at the same time. When the worldbegan lockdown in 2020, La La Land Kind Cafe didn't close.52 , Rei hani saw the need of________________even more kindnesses during those 53 times. So he and his employees drove around givingcompliments(赞美) to strangers from windows.Rei hani said that complimenting someone should n't be 54 After all, spreading 55____and kindness is something everyone can do every day.41.A.uniqueB.small C.popular D.typical42.A.money B.jobs C.shelters D.services43.A.talk to B.grow up C.care for D.believe in44.A.possibly B.suddenly C.shortly D.formally45.A.acceptB.deny C.correct D.changeB.volunteeredC learned46.A. taught C.C. learn e D.investigated47.A.lessons B.efforts C.rights D.stories48.A.expecting B.confirming C.thinking D.replying49.A. intending B.agreeing C.pretending D.regretting50.A.meaningful B.wonderful C.hopeful D.helpful51.A.buy B.open C.finance D.support52.A.Thus B.Again C.Instead D.Meanwhile53.A. touching B.troubling C.rewarding D.promising54.A.uncommon B.uneasy C.unhappy D.uncomfortable55.A.love B.respect C.politeness D.calmness



19.What activity is highly recommended to deal with SAD?C C. Running.A. Hiking. B. Skating.


A.溢出nderB.倾倒C.灌注1733.How can people make their resmake their resolutions come t ?D.破裂A. Forget last year’ resolutions.B.Of teB.Often count the numbers of the reenC.MC.Make one hundred resolutions fD.Make a plan for the whole year.C3434.What is the structure of the passage?(P=PaParagraph)P P

