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[db:作者] 2024-04-29试卷答案





the branches slowly spread outward from its main trunk, a lot of roots grew towardrds the48 47from the branches. Some of them reached the ground and dug in eventuallytrunks. The tree now stands over 18m high has 46 major trunks and 49 nearly 2.700m.TThe 50 area around the tree's main trunk has been the site of frequent eventsts for overa century . It is also a 51 place for taking photos. The 52 branches and wavy roototsmake for interesting53. But, first of all, it’s a great place to 54. Several seats werebuilt under the large tree for the people to rest their 55 feet after a long day of sightseeingand shopping.41. A. carefully B.completely C. immediately D.badly42. A. pretty B. flattened C.protected D.strange43.A. forgotten B. overlooked C. studied D.posted44. A. day B.loss C.difficulty D.decision45. A. history B.wealth C.failure D.talent46. A. cut B.found C.planted D.bought47. A. sun B. star C. moon D.earth48. A. putting intoB. turning into C. climbing up D.spreading out49. A. uses B.walks C.covers D.needs50. A. dark B.local C.closed D.shaded51. A. quiet B.green C. favorite D.bright52. A. beautiful B.dried C. damaged D.same53. A. toys B.backgrounds C. supplies D.houses54. A. play B.celebrate C.relax D.protest55. A. lovely B.dirty C.single D.tired第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)



66.What can we know about bees?A.Bees are everywhere around us.B.Bees'purpose is just to stingg uC.Using pesticides wouldn't do harm to bees.DLA small number of bee species are important for crops.


22.What are we advised to do before buying the stick?A.Prepare enough mc ney. Check reviews first.Apply for a discount. D.Buy as soon a s pas sible.

