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[db:作者] 2024-05-06试卷答案




第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。When she was 86, Mom moved to our city. My husband, Kevin, and I found a lovelyapartment for her. I was happy to help take care of her 41 she arrived.____The day after she moved in, she called me to 42 about the food at the facility.“The____pizza was like rubber. I couldn't 43 it. Mom, you're complaining to me. Wouldn't it____make more sense to tell someone who can 44 the problem?”We hung up. This was only____her second day here!And week after week, Mom found more to complain about.When with my friend Beth, I spent 20 minutes sharing how Mom's attitude 45 me.____“She seems 46 . After everything Kevin and I do for her, all we hear is what she doesn'tlike.”As the words spilled from my lips, I realized that I'd developed the same 47 of____complaining that annoyed me so much in Mom.



C. To prevent the puppies from making use of their smell.D. To check the puppies' preference for a particular color.


25.In the old tale, why did the string show dissatisfaction to the kite?A.Because both of them dropped towards the earth.B.Because the kite blamed the string for holding it back.C.Because the string hated not being able to go higher.D.Because the kite could see the clouds and the blue sky

