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[db:作者] 2024-05-07试卷答案




20. Who will be the target audience of the TV show?A.Teenagers with strong curiosity.B.Students who are interested in science.C.People who are interested in science.



3)59.What has the same use as raindrops during the experiment?A. The paper. B. Sunlight. C. The window D.The glass of water


第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,Many people have a love for adventure because the excitement they experience isaddictive.Gur baz Singh is only 16 and yet on Monday he led a group of 411 up Mount Hood inOregon. The climb is a hard one and requires 42adventurers but Singh already hasclimbed 97 mountains. By all appearances, he was well43 to make the climb.Conditions on the mountain are 44in the winter. Hikers know that one misplacedstep can be the beginning of the 45____-but that doesn’t stop them from 46When approaching the highest top, Singh 47 and fell for roughly 500 feet. Laterhim, making the 10,500--foot climb to where Singh wassevereral teams came to 48located.ted. bearing about the 49 , Singh’s father drove from Canada to Portland. He was gladOhis son is50, and he knows the injury won’t keep him from trying again.son is hough t he was going to 51 somewhere and he was trying to prevent the 52with his tool but it just didn't happen because he was 53so fast that he couldn’t do it, "With his to d“My family and my son want to 54 everyone who helped save him. Thiswas to be his 98th summit(峰顶) . We will be back soon to finish the555.”rs B. students C. climbers D. campers42. A. talented41. A. researcherB.skilleded C.aged D.appointedB.dressed C.educated D.prepared43. A.organizedB.good C.ordinary D. favorable44.A. icy

