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趣找知识 2024-05-22知识百科


1、新高考英语读后续写主题升华高分万能句一、家庭生活1.Through his loyalty to his friends and family, the young boy discovered the true meaning of friendship and the power of a strong bond.通过对朋友和家人的忠诚,这个小男孩发现了友谊的真谛和牢固联系的力量。2.From my fathers words, I have realized that family matters the most in the world.从父亲的话中,我意识到家庭是世界上最重要的。3

2、.From my mothers kindness, I have felt the warmth of our family.I will treasure/value/cherish it with all my heart.从母亲的善意中,我感受到了家的温暖。我将全心全意去珍惜它。4.It was Mom who taught me we should never take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude.(强调句)是妈妈教会我,我们永远不要把最值得我们感激的事情视为理所当然。5.Mothers Da

3、y is a heartfelt reminder to honor and appreciate the selfless sacrifices and boundless love that mothers give, shaping our lives with unwavering dedication.(非谓语)母亲节是一个衷心的提醒,提醒我们要尊重和感激母亲们无私的牺牲和无限的爱,她们以坚定不移的奉献精神塑造了我们的生活。6.With gratitude in their hearts, they realized that the true treasure of a paren

4、t-child relationship lies in the moments of connection, creating a lifelong bond that goes beyond words.(非谓语)怀着感激之情,他们意识到亲子关系的真正宝藏在于联系的时刻,创造了一种超越语言的终身纽带。二、友善与同理心1.By showing kindness to others, the young boy learned that he could make a positive impact on the world around him.通过对他人表现出善意,这个小男孩学会了他可以对

5、周围的世界产生积极影响。2.By putting herself in others shoes, the young girl learned to be more empathetic and understanding towards those around her.通过设身处地为他人着想,这个年轻女孩学会了对周围的人更有同理心和理解力。3.I made up my mind to pass on love to others.Just as a saying goes,“Roses given, fragrance in hand.”我下定决心要把爱传递下去。正如俗语所说:“赠人玫瑰

6、,手有余香。” 三、人与自然1.Lets cherish the beauty of nature and strive to live in harmony with the environment, for it is our home and our heritage.(for 引导的原因状语从句)让我们珍惜大自然的美丽,努力与环境和谐相处,因为它是我们的家园和遗产。2.They discovered the wisdom of living in harmony with nature, developing a deep appreciation for the delicate balance between humans and animals.(非谓语)他们发现了与自然和谐相处的智慧,对人与动物之间微妙的平衡产生了深刻的理解。3.Their compassion and empathy taught them the invaluable lesso

