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趣找知识 2024-05-27知识百科


1、高考英语读后续写情绪描写素材一、常用传达情绪词汇开心(Happy)1.On cloud nine乐不可支- Example: She was on cloud nine after receiving the good news.2.Over the moon狂喜- Example: He was over the moon when he found out he got the job.3.Walking on air非常高兴,走起路来轻飘飘- Example: After the concert, she was walking on air, feeling ecstatic.4.In

2、 high spirits兴高采烈- Example: The team was in high spirits after their victory.激动(Excited)1.On the edge of ones seat特别紧张、兴奋,简直坐也不是站也不是- Example: The thriller had him on the edge of his seat the entire time.2.Thrilled to bits激动- Example: She was thrilled to bits with the surprise party.3.Bubbling with

3、excitement兴奋地冒泡- Example: The children were bubbling with excitement on Christmas Eve.4.Jumping for joy欢呼雀跃 - Example: He was jumping for joy after hearing the good news.安静(Calm)1.At peace平静- Example: She felt at peace in the tranquil garden.2.Cool as a cucumber 十分冷静- Example: Despite the chaos, he

4、remained cool as a cucumber.3.In a state of tranquility在一种宁静的状态中- Example: The yoga session left her in a state of tranquility. 4.Composed and collected 沉着镇静- Example: He stayed composed and collected during the interview.伤心(Sad)1.Down in the dumps 气馁;沮丧- Example: He was down in the dumps after his

5、team lost the match.2.Heartbroken- Example: She was heartbroken when her pet passed away.3.Heavy-hearted- Example: He left the city with a heavy heart, saying goodbye to his friends.4.In the depths of despair深深的绝望中- Example: The tragic news left her in the depths of despair.生气(Angry)1.Fuming with an

6、ger怒火中烧- Example: He was fuming with anger after being treated unfairly.2.Seeing red非常生气;暴怒- Example: She was seeing red when she found out about the betrayal.3.Hot under the collar愤怒的- Example: He got hot under the collar during the heated debate.4.Beside oneself with rage 气冲冲的- Example: She was beside herself with rage after the argument.焦虑不安(Anxious)1

