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趣找知识 2024-05-29知识百科


1、第二节共)0小题:每小题l.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Lhasa,the second most populous urban町ea on lhe Tibetan Plateau,has been the administrative capital of Tibet since the mid-17th century.If youve ever had the chance _l豆(visit)it,there are many places you.立工一(simple)cannot miss.节1e Jokbang Temple

2、is like the ultimate hot spot for pilgrims(朝圣者),total must to see.It stands as one of the most appealing sites in Tibet as it-1立一(house)the statue of Shalcyamuni Buddha thats more由an2,500 ye盯s old,with tons of people 一丘阜(look)around.The temple suouodmgs have become quite com皿ercialized。ver由e years.1

3、e Barkhor Street,_ all high tech bas been used to create a good atmosphere,is a popular place for _il_一(local)and now for to田ists.The local crew teamed up with the brainiacs from the Chinese Academy of Sciences aod built this wireless street lamp network.No more一五主一(m邸)wir臼ruining your view so now y

4、ou can become completely involved扭曲e scenery _j生m州巾g that turns your attention away.You can find many surrounding sites attractive and get almost eve可也ing here:beautiful objects,a constant s旧am of tourists and some seriously passionate pilgrims.A且也is is 主m础es也isplace a magical one-oa-kind destinatio

5、n.英语试题第8页共10页第二节(满分25分阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段蓓开头语绥写两段,使之构成一篇完整的姬文Summer vacation was finally coming,and Rose couldnt wait to have a trip with her parents.She recalled the joyful experiences they shared last summer,which filled her with ccrtemcnt for the upcoming holiday.“Girls!”Rose heard her 臼ther calling

6、.She raced to her big sisters room,telling her that Dad was臼Hing由阳,and由cy rushed downstairs 1ogcther.Dad put his arm around Mom and told them 也at也ey were going on a trip to the Viruoga Mountains.of A企jca.There were也ree national parks 由atthey would visit.Rose and Gina ooked at each oilier.“What?”they said wi由one voice.Mom told them it would be really exciting to go there on a创p.At 12 years old,Rose would prefer going to an amusement park or a beach.Sbc也ought it important to let her p缸ems know she

