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趣找知识 2024-05-29知识百科


1、高考英语读后续写必背主题意义篇1.Obviously, that was something she should not go through alone.显然,那不是她一个人就能解决的事。2.I struggled to hold my feelings back and told her what I had encountered.我努力地抑制自己的感情,告诉了她我的遭遇。3.She kept her head down with her eyes fixed on the floor.她低着头,眼睛盯着地面。4.I wiped her tears away/stepped towar

2、ds her and patted her on the shoulder gently, saying softly, “It will be OK.” 我为她擦掉眼泪/走向她,轻轻地拍着她的肩膀,轻声安慰道:“没事儿的。”5.Then Jennifer put her arm around me and said, “Let me help you.” 然后,珍妮佛环抱着我,说:“我帮你。”6.He tapped me on the shoulder gently, and said in an encouraging voice, “You can make it.” 他温柔地拍着我的肩

3、膀,鼓励我说:“你会成功的。”7.Kim reached her hand over to grasp mine, comforting “ Everything will be fine.”金伸出她的手握住我的,安慰道:“一切都会好起来的。”8.She then guided me through the process step by step until I completed my schedule.然后,她一步一步地指导我,直到我完成计划。9.With a gleam of concern in her eyes, she said she was sorry and offered

4、 to find my next class.她眼里流露出关心的神情,说她很抱歉,并提出要帮我找下一节课。10.Jose still stayed with me and stood by me, offering support and encouragement.乔什仍然陪着我,站在我身边,给予我支持与鼓励。11.“Lets face and overcome it together.” Sadie said firmly.From then on, Sadie tried all means to help Ren.“我们一起面对一起战胜它。”姗迪坚定地说。从那以后,她用尽方法帮助雷恩。

5、12.Like a ray of sunshine, the big smile on her face swept away my gloom.像一缕阳光,她脸上灿烂的笑容一扫我的忧郁。13.So moved was I that I extended my heartfelt gratitude to him.我非常感动,向他表达了衷心的感谢。14.I hugged my friends tightly, joyful tears rolling in my eyes.我紧紧地拥抱着我的朋友们,喜悦的泪水在眼眶里打转。15.Zara felt the warmth surging thro

6、ugh her body, glowing with happiness/tears welling up in her eyes.扎拉感觉温暖在她的身体里涌动,整个人都闪着幸福的光芒/眼里涌出了泪水。16.It was pleasant to find that we made a great team.很高兴发现我们组成了一个很好的团队。17.We trusted each other and shared sorrow and happiness together.我们互相信任,一起分享悲伤与幸福。18.As time went by, our collaboration became harmonious/we found us a perfect combination/we teamed up together gradually.随着时间的流逝,我们的合作变得和谐/我们发现我们是一个完美的组合/我们逐渐合作起来。19.W

