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趣找知识 2024-06-01知识百科


1、高考英语必备同义词1.意义内涵不同destroy , damage , ruinThe boy ruined the beautiful picture with ink on purpose.(不可修复)His hope of being a singer was destroyed.(不可修复)The heavy rain damaged a lot of houses.(可修复)quiet , silent , stillBe quiet and get on with your work.安静的,寂静的。表自然环境,表生性安静,不易激动。You must learn when to s

2、peak and when to keep silent.表沉默的。表示不说话,不弄出声音。The air is so still that the smoke is rising straight up from the fire.安静的,不动的。指人表面无动作。occur , happen , take placeIt was unfortunate that this accident should happen / occur.偶然发生,碰巧。常指不好的事情。It occurred to him that he should go to see a dentist.与happen 可互

3、换。occur to sb./ sth.思想出现在意识中。The official opening of the store will take place next week.指必然会发生的事情,无被动。还有举行活动fit , match , suitThis coat doesnt suit you.多指颜色、款式、质地等适合,合乎需要、口味、性格、条件和地位等。This coat doesnt fit you.多指大小、尺寸、形状合适、合身。This tie doesnt match this coat.多指大小、形状、颜色、性质等方面的搭配matter , affair , busin

4、essI could do nothing to help you since the matter has gotten into such a mess.侧重麻烦或异常的事情、毛病。Before going away, he arranged his business affairs.一般为较重大的事件,也可泛指事务,要用复数。Tom is the black sheep of his family.He has almost ruined his fathers business.生意,行业,事情,事务normal , common , ordinary , usual , regula

5、rAs is known to all, snow is common in cold countries.常见的,一般的。 common sense / knowledgeAre you returning home at the usual time today? 通常,往常,一贯如此。 as usualTom Sawyer was an ordinary American boy who kept getting into trouble.普通的,平常的,平凡的。A new regular bus service to Tianjin Airport started to operate

6、 two months ago.有规律的,定期的,经常的。My life was delighted that things had returned to normal once again.正常的,智力,精神正常的。realize , recognize , knowHe didnt realize his mistake until his mother told him.认识到,意识到,实现,完成。Its hard for me to recognize his voice on the phone.认出,辨认,承认。为短暂性动词,不接时间段作状语。We have known each other for many years.知道,了解,熟悉,认识。可接时间段作状语。scene , scenery , sight , viewThe scene after the earthquake was hor

