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趣找知识 2024-06-03知识百科


1、高考英语听力场景高频词汇一、银行邮局bank 银行money 钱deposit money / funds in your account 往账户里存钱存入资金make a deposit / withdrawal 存款;取款find / go to / use (especially NAmE) an ATM / (BrE) a cash machine / dispenser 找到去使用自动提款机check 支票interest 利息interest rates 利率credit card 信用卡postage 邮资;邮费extra postage 额外邮资envelop 信封cash 现

2、金post office 邮局a savings account 储蓄帐户open an account 开一个帐户post / send 寄letter / mail 信/邮件;信件;邮包stamp 邮票airmail 航空邮件parcel / package 包裹telegram / cable 电报overweight 超重的;过重的email 电子邮件reply 回答;答复deliver 递送;传送;运送attach 把附(在上)express mail 快件surface mail 水陆路邮件;平寄邮件change 零钱;小额纸币(或硬币)coin 硬币二、购物online shop

3、ping 网购buy / purchase sth online / by mail order 网购;邮购order 订单;订货order number 订单号parcel 包裹;小包pick up 购买;得到free delivery 免费送货;包邮extra charge 附加费用postage charge 快递费go / go out / be out shopping 去外出在外购物hit / hang out at the mall 去逛商场;在商场闲逛try on clothes / shoes 试穿衣服鞋load / push / wheel (BrE) a trolley

4、/ (NAmE) a cart 往手推车里装东西;推手推车stand in / wait in (BrE) the checkout queue / (NAmE) the checkout line 排队付款(NAmE) stand in line / (BrE) queue at the checkout 在付款处排队pack (away) (especially BrE) your shopping 将所购之物打包be in / have in / be out of / run out of stock 有货;脱销deal with / help / serve customers 应付

5、帮助服务顾客run a special promotion 搞特别促销活动be on special offer 正在搞特价优惠pay (in) cash / by (credit/debit) card / (BrE) with a gift voucher / (NAmE) with a gift certificate 用现金(信用借记)卡礼券支付coupon 优惠券;赠货券ask for / get / obtain a receipt 索要拿到收据return / exchange an item / a product 退还更换商品产品compare prices 对比价格barg

6、ain 便宜货offer (sb) / give (sb) / get / receive a 30% discount 给(某人)得到30%的折扣a shop assistant 一名售货员expensive / cheap 昂贵的/便宜的;廉价的high / low (价格)高低style / size / color 款式/大小/颜色large / medium / small 大号/中号/小号popular / fashionable 流行的out of fashion 过时的brand 品牌counter 柜台;前台sales/checkout counter 销售柜台/收银台三、天气bright / brilliant / glorious sunsh

