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趣找知识 2024-06-04知识百科


1、高考英语读后续写高级表达句式一、句子优化(一)运用复合句1.定语从句(1) This is the place where I once lived.这是我曾经住过的地方。(2) His letter, which was written in simple English, should be understandable for us.他的信是用简单英语写的,我们都能看懂。(3) He saw in front that haggard white-haired old man, whose eyes flashed red with fury.他看见前面那个憔悴的老人眼睛里闪着怒火。2.

2、名词性从句(1) That we should learn English well is important.我们应该学好英语是重要的。(2) What we are not sure about is when he will arrive.我们不能确定的是他什么时候到达。(3) My teacher asked me if I was interested in going abroad.老师问我是否对出国感兴趣。3.状语从句(1) He was on the point of leaving when someone knocked at the door.他正要离开,这时有人敲门。(

3、2) His voice was trembling even if he made all his efforts to control it.尽管他努力控制,他的声音仍在颤抖。(3) I have made some cookies and sandwiches so that we can have something to eat on the way.我做了一些饼干和三明治,这样我们在路上的时候就有吃的了。(二)运用非谓语动词1.表示原因Saved by my next-door neighbor from the horrible fire, I feel deeply grate

4、ful.隔壁邻居把我从可怕的火灾中救了出来,对此我非常感激。2.表示目的He sat there with his elbows on the table so that he could prop his bowed head in his hands, warding off his weariness.他坐着,手肘放在桌子上,用双手来支撑自己耷拉着的脑袋,以抵抗疲倦。3.表示结果She slipped on the ice, striking her knees against the ground.她在冰上滑倒了,膝盖磕在地上。4.表示时间Walking on the street,

5、he bumped into an old friend he hadnt seen for ages.在街上走着的时候,他碰到了一个多年未见的老朋友。5.表示伴随Grandpa parked down the street and rushed to the beautiful yard, humming a merry little tune.爷爷把车停在街边,急忙走向美丽的小院,嘴里还哼唱着一首欢快的小曲。(三)运用倒装句1.Under the chair was lying a half-conscious boy.椅子底下躺着一个昏迷不醒的男孩。2.Hardly does she h

6、ave time to do what she is interested in.她几乎没有时间做自己感兴趣的事情。3.Hearing the dog barking fiercely, away fled the two thieves.听到狗的狂吠声,两个小偷拔腿就跑。4.At the foot of the mountain ran a little stream lined by trees.山脚下是小河流水,河的两岸树木茂密。(四)运用强调句1.It was the bad weather that caused problems for us.正是坏天气给我们带来了麻烦。2.It was Joe that/who would stay home while I would have to continue working full-time.Joe待在家里,而

