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趣找知识 2024-06-06知识百科


1、高考英语中华习俗考点素材一、餐桌礼仪Table MannersTable manners in China are quite different from those of westeners.中国的餐桌礼仪和西方的差别还是很大的。In China,its okay to talk while eating.However,you may regard it as rude.中国人认为吃饭时可以说话,相反你们会觉得这很没礼貌。You will considered a well-connected, sociable man, if you keep involved in the conv

2、ersation all the time.如果在饭桌上你积极参与谈话,别人会觉得你一定是个善于交际、人缘很好的人。Dont eat fast! People usually keep their dining pace accorded with others.And all the dishes should not be eaten up completely.不要吃得太快,人们往往要跟其他人吃饭的进度保持一致。各个盘子都应该留下一点别吃完。It is a custom and good manners to serve tea to a guest who comes to pay a

3、 visit.There is no need to ask if he needs it or not.给上门拜访的客人上茶确实是风俗礼节,不需要问他要不要喝茶,或者要不要别的东西。It wouldnt be considered rude behavior if he doesnt even take a single drop.But hed better receive the teacup with both hands and bow his thanks when the cup is brought before his face.When the host pours hot

4、 water into his cup, he may also choose to tap his index finger on the table, meaning “thanks”.No matter if he likes it or not, it is impolite if he doesnt even lay a finger on the cup.茶端到他面前的时候,他最好双手接住茶杯,欠身致谢。主人给他倒茶时,他也可以在桌面上轻叩几下食指,表示“叩首谢谢”。不管他喜不喜欢,要是连碰都不碰一下茶杯,那就有失礼貌了。Table manners are very strict

5、during a Chinese meal.Respect has to be given to the elderly.Each time a dish is served, everyone has to wait until the elder person starts “to cut the ribbon”.中餐还有严格的餐桌礼仪。长辈要受到尊重。一盘菜上来,大家要先让长者举筷,这被称作“剪彩”。The food is brought to the table all the same time so everybody is on the same starting line.Th

6、is lacks the warm atmosphere which prevails at a Chinese dinner.西餐中每个人点的菜都同时端上,大家在同一时间开始用餐,缺少了中国人相互礼让的过程。This may be the reason why it is always noisy at a Chinese dinner but quiet in a Western restaurant.友好的气氛就差了许多。这也许就是中国人吃饭热热闹闹,西方人的餐桌相对安静的原因吧。Alcohol is a medium for communicating emotion in China.Drinking with business partners or would-be friends is a way of solidifying friendship, especially in Northern China.在中国,喝酒时情感交流的介质。尤其是在北方,和业务伙伴或者“准朋友”

