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趣找知识 2024-06-09知识百科


1、高考英语形容词比较级知识讲解一、形容词比较级概述1、形容词可根据所表示的程度而发生词形变化Linda is rich,but Alisa is richer than Linda,and Anna is the richest woman in town.琳达富有,但艾丽莎比琳达更加富有,而安娜是镇上最富有的。(富有程度的比较,rich发生了词形变化。)因此,为了表示等级差别,形容词具有原级、比较级和最高级。如:rich-richer-the richest原级:用于未比较;或用于两者之间,表示.和.一样。比较级:用于两者之间比较;表示更.,比.更.最高级:用于三者或三者以上的比较;表示最.2

2、、无等级变化的形容词叙述形容词,既不能紧接名词的形容词(如alone单独的,asleep睡着的),一般没有级的变化。二、形容词原级比较常用句型1、.as+形容词原级+as.该句型表示:.和.一样Steven is as tall as Dave.史蒂芬和戴夫一样高。Kates skin is as white as snow.凯特的肌肤和雪一样白。My father is as old as my mother.我的父亲和我的母亲一样大。His phone is as good as yours.他的手机和你的一样好。This bike is as cheap as that one.这辆自行

3、车和那辆一样便宜。Ross is as good at math as you.罗斯和你一样擅长数学。It is as cold today as yesterday.今天和昨天一样冷。Riding a horse is as easy as riding a bike.骑马和骑自行车一样容易。Is father as late as before?父亲还和以前一样晚吗?Is Steven as tall as Dave?史蒂芬和戴夫一样高吗?Is his phone as good as yours?他的手机和你的一样好吗?Is this bike as cheap as that one?

4、这辆自行车和那辆一样便宜吗?2、as +形容词原级+as+数量词:表示.至、达.The tree is as high as two meters.这棵树高达两米。The music is as long as half an hour.音乐长达半小时之久。The school is as far as 50 miles.学校原至50英里。3、.not as(so)+形容词原级+as.该句型表示:.不如.She is not as strong as Mary.她不如玛丽坚强。Jason is not as brave as Joey.杰森不如乔伊勇敢。Kate is not as perfe

5、ct as you think.凯特不像你想象的那么完美。Work is not so important as family.工作没有家庭重要。4、.as+many/much+名词+as.(many修饰可数名词复数,much修饰不可数名词)My sister has as many books as.我姐姐的书和我的一样多。David drank as much water as you.大卫喝水和你一样多。I have as much time as you.你和我一样有很多时间。5、.as +(形容词原级+a/an+名词)+as.Rachel is as good a student as Jack.瑞秋和杰克一样是个好学生。I just want to see as interesting a movie as that one.我只想看和那部电影一样有趣的电影。Guangzhou is as beautiful a city as Beijing.广州和北京一样是个美丽的城市。6、.+倍数+as+形容词原级+as.表示:.是.的几倍This tree is twice as tall as the house.这棵树的高度是房子的高度的两倍。The book is half as thick

